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Question 10

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Question 10


You MAY NOT use a calculator to solve this problem.



A flat metal plate one centimeter thick is shaped like the first quadrant region under the graph of between x = 0 and x = 4. The density of the plate varies; at a distance x units from the y-axis the density is given by x2 grams/cm3.


(a) Assume the approximate mass, ΔM, of a strip of width Δx is:


ΔM = (volume)(density)

Write a left-hand Riemann sum with 4 terms that approximates the total mass of the metal plate.



(b) Write a definite integral that gives the exact value of the total mass of the plate.



(c) Determine the total mass of the plate.









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