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Question 9

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Saved by PBworks
on May 3, 2007 at 11:43:19 pm

Question 9


You MAY use a calculator to solve this problem.


A body is coasting to a stop and the only force acting on it is a resistence proportional to its speed, according to the equation ; s(0) = 0, where v0 is the body's initial velocity (in m/s), vƒ is its final velocity, m is its mass, k is a constant, and t is time.


(a) If a body with mass m = 50 kg and k = 1.5 kg/sec initially has a velocity of 30 m/s, how long, to the nearest second, will it take to slow to 1 m/s?


(b) How far, to the 10 nearest meters, will the body coast during the time it takes to slow from 30 m/s to 1 m/s?


(c) If the body coasts from 30 m/s to a stop, how far will it coast?















will be solved by crystal =)

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